C.O.B - The Cult of Bass
It was in the year 1992 when, RichBitch first met Mat Mas, a local song writer, artist and composer. They quickly became friends, and it had been Matt's idea to realize a dance music project together.
With loads of nights of working and very little sleep, some 2 demo tracks have been handcrafted together in 10 days at RichBitch’s modest home-recording studio ("Beathoven"-remix, and "Endless Love"). With the swiss record label "Fresh Music" ("DJ Bobo"...), a producer finally was found, and their first commercial music project was ready to be launched: C.O.B - The Cult Of Bass
But Gutze Gautschi, our producer from Fresh Music wasn't very happy about these demo tracks... As the record had to be commercial, at least one track had to include vocals and Rap elements ("2Unlimtited", and "DJ Bobo" had charted with similar track that time...). Therefore we received the opportunity to go to a professional studio - Matthias Blauensteins "FunBox" Studio, in Basel.
Believe it or not, but we realized our first 22 minutes Maxi Single, consisting of 4 tracks, in only two days of studio work — with a budget of CHF 1200!?For the vocals, Matt's cousine (today a well known hard-rock singer...) was found the ideal voice of C.O.B, and a 40 yeard old native english studio technician, Dave, helped us out with the Rap sequences. As most of the studio time had been spent on the track "Paradise", and time was running out, we just mixed-down the home-recorded demo tracks "Beathoven, remix", "Endless Love, orig. version" and "Backdraft" and put it on the maxi single...what an ignorance, we thought!
But as the record was released 1993, the first edition of 700 Maxi-CDs was sold out in one week only! What a success!! If we had sold 1000 pieces in one week, we would have entered the swiss Pop-Charts. But as FreshMusic hadn't been able to deliver some more 300 CD's within the next week, all our chances went down the drain very quickly.
Although, until today, some 6500 pieces of the record had been sold all over Europe — not that bad, for the first record!
In the year 1994, we released the vinyl album "Bakkdraft", with the songs "Bakkdraft (The Real Trauma Hardcore Remix)", "Paradise" and "Killing in the name of love". In the same year, we also had the opportunity to perform live in some clubs in Germany and Switzerland. But as our music had been quite to hard and fast for this time, disco people (used to dance to slow tracks from "Snap", "Haddaway", "DJ Bobo" etc.), didn't really know how to dance to our 160bmp tracks...
That time, we also spent a lot of time at "FunBox"-studio, to produce another commercial LP. Several remix versions of the track "Endless Love" should have been produced. A rapper from London and e several singers were hired (among them Tania Dankner - today well known, but in these days a rookie...) , but with no usable results. And so, after some heavy internal struggles, 3 weeks of studio work and CHF 12'000 later, the producer, Daniel Platisa from "Q-Lab Productions" decided to stop the whole project.
The Cult Of Bass was dead!
2015, nearly 25 years later, the two techno pioneers decided to re-release all tracks again, in order to REMEMBER those good old days of fame and glory.
Beathoven YEAH!